Posk-K project: Priority Issue 06 - Accelerated Development of Innovative Clean Energy Systems
JST CREST "Development of a Numerical Library based on Heirarchical Domain Decomposition for Post Petascale Simulation"
ADVENTURE_BCtool ver.2
ADVENTURE_BCtool ver.2
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- Prohibited Usage
The ADVENTURE system is strictly prohibited to use by the following
- Any utilization of designing, producing and controlling any devices or
equipments which might cause significant danger to human lives, bodies and
- Any utilization of developing weapons and by any other military
[ Functions ]
Attachement of boundary conditions and material properties onto mesh.
[ Development and operating environment (BcGUI) ]
On Linux or Windows, BcGUI is installed by executable intaller file. Installer file contains Java
runtime and nessesary libraries to run BcGUI, so you need not to install Java
runtime and libraries manually.
If you want to build BcGUI from source files (contained in installer file), you
need to install Java compiler manually.
OS : Linux - x86/x64 or Microsoft Windows (7 or later)
Build tool: Apache Ant (>=1.6)
Compiler: Oracle JDK or OpenJDK (>= ver.1.8)
Libraries: JOGL, vecmath (contained in installer file)
[ Development and operating environment (without BcGUI) ]
OS : Unix, Linux
Compiler: C, C++
[ History ]
Ver 2.1.1 --- 25/Aug/2020
Ver 2.1 --- 16/Mar/2018
Quick fix patch for Ver 2.0 --- 25/May/2017
Ver 2.0 (for Win) --- 17/Feb/2015
Ver 2.0 --- 10/Aug/2012
Ver 1.02 --- 08/Nov/2002
Ver 1.0 --- 04/Mar/2002
beta 0.81 --- 23/May/2001
beta 0.80 --- 01/Dec/2000
(ADVENTURE_BCtool ver.2)