Posk-K project: Priority Issue 06 - Accelerated Development of Innovative Clean Energy Systems
JST CREST "Development of a Numerical Library based on Heirarchical Domain Decomposition for Post Petascale Simulation"

Analysis Examples
- [ ADVENTURE_Solid ]
- Static stress analysis of pressure vessel of ABWR with 35 million DOF mesh.
- Static stress analysis of Bogie Truck with 11 million DOF mesh.
- Static stress analysis of Pantheon with 18 million DOF mesh.
- Static stress analysis of Pantheon with 6/18 million DOF mesh.new!
- [ ADVENTURE_Forge ]
- Forging process analysis of crane hook with one million DOF mesh.
- [ ADVENTURE_Thermal ]
- Heat conductive analysis of graphite block of HTTR with 2 million DOF mesh.
- [ ADVENTURE_Fluid ]
- Air flow analysis in Pantheon with 1.83 million element mesh.
- [ ADVENTURE_Magnetic ]
- [ ADVENTURE_Shape ]
- Shape optimization of knuckle joint of automotive suspension with 0.85 million DOF mesh.