ver.0.1b / released: 2014/03/24
LexADV_TryDDM has the following features.
- LexADV_TryDDM solves the linear equation using the domain decomposition method.
- LexADV_TryDDM supports the Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format for the coefficient matrix.
- LexADV_TryDDM supports the dense vector for the right-hand-side.
- LexADV_TryDDM supports domain-decomposed mesh data by the ADVENTURE_Metis.
- LexADV_TryDDM uses the ADVENTURE_IO (AdvIO) library for reading input data.
- LexADV_TryDDM uses the MUMPS library for constructing the Schur complement equation.
- LexADV_TryDDM uses the Lis library for solving the Schur complement equation.
- LexADV_TryDDM is written by C language.
- LexADV_TryDDM uses the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library for parallel processing.